Friday, May 29, 2009

confirming the revival of risk taking and a general acknowledgement that economic life will continue

TO BE NOTED: From Alphaville:


Tim Bond, the Barclays Capital strategist, is having none of this bearish pessimism that has gripped markets since Bill Gross said the US could lose its triple A status and Marc Faber invoked the Z-word when discussing the prospects for American inflation.

From Bond’s latest Global Speculations - “Upside down bulls”:

In the financial markets, interpretation often counts for more than fact. Indeed, after passing through the qualitative and emotional analytical filter, factual inputs can often emerge from the process as anti-facts. At present, many market participants still appear to be afflicted by the mood of depressive pessimism that became pervasive last year. Under this condition, market developments and economic data-points that an impartial analysis would usually construe as positive are being warped into negative signals. Signs of an economic recovery, somehow, end up being interpreted as signs of impending economic doom.

Nowhere, Bond says, is this truer than with the prevailing fuss about the dollar and US treasury yields.

The fact that both asset classes have been losing their safe haven status is an unambiguously positive development, confirming the revival of risk taking and a general acknowledgement that economic life will continue.

Why, the BarCap man asks, if investors are fleeing the US because of its towering debt burden and the threat of hyperinflation, is sterling going up? Frying pans and fires springs to mind. Similarly, why has the Yen been depreciating against the dollar?

The current rumblings of discontent smack more of the avoidance of cognitive dissonance on the part of inveterate bears, than any dispassionate analysis of the situation.

Full takedown of the bears available here.

And Clusterstock:

Analyst Says The Treasury Collapse Is Bullish Sign

You've seen the scary charts showing just how bad the Fed's policy of quantitative easing has failed. Although it would love to push long-term interest rates down to 4%, the market was having none of it. And the general consensus is that the uber-steep yield curve is a big nyet vote on both fiscal and monetary policy.

Tim Bond, an analyst at Barclays, says hogwash, taking the Geithner view that the rally in yields is the predictable response to both a recovering economy and the dissipation of the panic premium in US-denominated assets that built up during the bubble. The full report is embedded below (via FT Alphaville). Here's the introduction:

In the financial markets, interpretation often counts for more than fact. Indeed, after
passing through the qualitative and emotional analytical filter, factual inputs can often
emerge from the process as anti-facts. At present, many market participants still
appear to be afflicted by the mood of depressive pessimism that became pervasive last
year. Under this condition, market developments and economic data-points that an
impartial analysis would usually construe as positive are being warped into negative
signals. Signs of an economic recovery, somehow, end up being interpreted as signs of
impending economic doom.

Nowhere is this truer than of the prevailing fuss about the dollar and US treasury yields.
Both asset classes have been losing the save haven and liquidity premiums established
during the market carnage of last year. This is an unambiguously positive development,
confirming a revival in risk appetites, decreased fears about the financial system and a
general improvement in economic expectations. However, after passing through the
prevailing interpretative filter, these positives become negatives. Rather than indicating
an economic recovery, the lower dollar and higher bond yields apparently reflect a crisis
of confidence in US Inc, investors fleeing the prospect of endless budget deficits, a
towering government debt burden and prospective hyperinflation.

Never mind the rather obvious objection that the violent rally in Cable specifically
contradicts this theory – unless of course one assume s that jumping out of the frying
pan into the fire is a rational approach to securing a safe haven. Equally, never mind the
other rather obvious point that the currency of the largest creditor nation – Japan – has
recently been depreciating against the dollar, a development that is not exactly
indicative of rising concerns about US borrowing. Rather, if one starts from the premise
that nothing good is happening in the global economy, any contrary empirical
indications must inevitably be re-interpreted to fit the premise. The current rumblings
of discontent smack more of the avoidance of cognitive dissonance on the part of
inveterate bears, than any dispassionate analysis of the situation.

Bond Sell Off

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Don the libertarian Democrat (URL) said:
I agree with him, as does Richard Fisher:

"Meanwhile, Reuters reported, "Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher said on Thursday it was not clear if the U.S. Treasury yield curve was steepening because of concerns over supply or a more optimistic economic outlook. "Obviously, there is a lot of supply of debt. Another way to interpret the steepening of the yield curve is ... confidence in economy going forward," he told reporters after a speech, adding that both could be happening at the same time. "I think it is probably a little bit of both, discounting the supply of new debt, but I detect...there is a pick up in confidence about the future," said Fisher."

In my book, this is how QE is supposed to work,ie, low short term interests rates and rising longer term interest rates. It's working. Now, of course, at some point, higher interest rates will become a problem, but we're a bit away from that now. So, the negative comments are reasonable, and might turn out to be right. We might, possibly, lose control down the road. I simply disagree.

By the way, haven't we all learned that we're all highly fallible in predicting the future yet?


Don the libertarian Democrat May 29 15:24
I agree with him and Richard Fisher:

"Meanwhile, Reuters reported, "Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas President Richard Fisher said on Thursday it was not clear if the U.S. Treasury yield curve was steepening because of concerns over supply or a more optimistic economic outlook. "Obviously, there is a lot of supply of debt. Another way to interpret the steepening of the yield curve is ... confidence in economy going forward," he told reporters after a speech, adding that both could be happening at the same time. "I think it is probably a little bit of both, discounting the supply of new debt, but I detect...there is a pick up in confidence about the future," said Fisher."

I just want to be on record as an idiot.

Don the libertarian Democrat (URL) said:

Thanks a million for making that report available.



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