Thursday, June 11, 2009

The blogger at Le Flaneur de Tacoma (whose name I didn’t rummage around for)

Here's the post on my first blog that got some attention:

"The blogger at Le Flaneur de Tacoma (whose name I didn’t rummage around for) places Queenan in a critical subgenre nicely dubbed “X is not as great as it’s supposed to be if you listened to a bunch of snobs.”

Queenan’s piece falls into what I call the ” X is not as great as it’s supposed to be if you listened to a bunch of snobs” genre. The “X” could be “Finnegans Wake”, the paintings of Mark Rothko, modern poetry, or whatever the author deems pretentious. The gist of these pieces is to make the reader feel comfortable with disliking, or even better, totally ignoring, certain works of art.

What I especially dislike in these “the emperor has no clothes” type columns is that they might keep people from encountering art because someone has said that it’s difficult. In that sense, it’s just another form of the “Finnegans Wake Syndrome”. Some art is just too difficult to appreciate, or, as Queenan has it, just too boring.

I've spent my entire life rummaging around for my name, by the way.

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