Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Does anyone honestly think it's possible to properly assess the Legacy Securities program without knowing these terms?

From The Economics Of Contempt:

"Geithner Plan: Still not enough information

We still don't have nearly enough information about the various aspects of the Geithner plan for anyone to offer an informed analysis.

This isn't just obsessive lawyering on my part. Material terms relating to the financing, fund structure, asset eligibility, etc., are still unknown. For example, regarding the Legacy Securities program (i.e., TALF 2.0), the Treasury's fact sheet states:
Borrowers will need to meet eligibility criteria. Haircuts will be determined at a later date and will reflect the riskiness of the assets provided as collateral. Lending rates, minimum loan sizes, and loan durations have not been determined. These and other terms of the programs will be informed by discussions with market participants. However, the Federal Reserve is working to ensure that the duration of these loans takes into account the duration of the underlying assets.
Does anyone honestly think it's possible to properly assess the Legacy Securities program without knowing these terms? I didn't think so.

Most of the terms of the programs announced today haven't been finalized yet, and since a Treasury official told me earlier that they want to get these programs up and running by the end of April, all these terms have to be hammered out in negotiations between the Treasury, the banks, and the buy-side in a very short window of time.


Blogger Don said...

I'm actually following your advice and waiting. There are blog posts that I disagree with, but what's the point if the plan isn't clear. I am puzzled by the idea that the owners of the TAs won't sell idea. From my point of view, they were waiting for government involvement. I guess I will either be proven right or wrong on that one, as on the subsidy issue. I should add I believe that the pricing of the TAs isn't a huge puzzle. They have been selling all along. On this too, we'll soon find out.

Don the libertarian Democrat

March 24, 2009 3:09 PM

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