Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So the Geithner plan it is.

From Free Exchange:

"The next phase
Posted by: | WASHINGTON
Financial markets

FELIX SALMON links to a piece by Matthew Richardson and Nouriel Roubini in the New York Daily News, that captures, as Mr Salmon notes, an emerging pattern among economic writers—the conclusion that for all the Geithner plan's faults, it's the least bad option at this point. I think that Mssrs Richardson and Roubini hit the nail on the head when they write:

We have to anticipate the likelihood that some banks will resist selling their loans and securities...We may then have to start asking, "Why keep insolvent banks afloat?" And having asked that, we will have to search for ways to manage the ensuing systemic risk.

Either way, once the plan is fully implemented, we will be entering a new phase of the financial crisis. The water is choppy. Let's hope we are strong swimmers.

It's important to step back and consider where things stand at the moment. The American economy appears to have reached a point at which it's deteriorating more slowly than it did in December and January. Recovery in 2009 is not unfathomable absent some unanticipated new crisis. There are lingering questions about how to deal with insolvent banks and how to capitalise the rest of them, and TARP funding is nearly spent. The public, however, is bail-out weary and angry, and the Congress is unwilling to legislate in the face of that anger, and is further constrained by institutional bottlenecks.

The goal, then, is to take steps toward resolving the banking problem with the limited resources available, without doing anything too crazy that risks digging the economic hole deeper. (I know some economists are of the opinion that the riskiest thing to do is to leave insolvent banks afloat for another six months, but I think they'll agree that the cost of six more months' worth of zombies is far lower than the cost of another Lehman.) In light of all that, Mr Geithner's plan looks quite reasonable.

Here's what we'll know in a few months time. We'll know which banks opted to participate in the plan and which banks did not. We'll know a good deal more than we do now about where some of the toxic assets out there should be marked, and those prices will have the ratification of the government and the private auction participants. As a result, we'll have a much better idea who is clearly, irresolvably insolvent—a judgment that will likewise be ratified by both the government and the private market participants. And the Obama administration wil be able to take those judgments to the Congress and say, "We have no choice but to do something about these banks in violation of their charters. Give us the tools we need so that we don't have to liquidate the banks and send the economy spiralling down all over again". And of course, in a few months we'll also have a better sense of which trajectory the economy has chosen to follow.

Of course, a lot has to go right to get to that point in one piece, some of which is within the control of the Treasury (which is hopefully employing teams of lawyers and economists to sniff out potential avenues for abuse), and some of which isn't. It would be wise to be devising backup plans to their backup plans. I don't see another option out there that clearly performs better than this plan on: 1) cleaning up balance sheets, 2) working with available resources, and 3) avoiding serious risks to the financial system. So the Geithner plan it is."


"Don the libertarian Democrat wrote:
March 25, 2009 23:25

"I don't see another option out there that clearly performs better than this plan on: 1) cleaning up balance sheets, 2) working with available resources, and 3) avoiding serious risks to the financial system. So the Geithner plan it is."

I agree with this. I have also read the Treasury Department and FDIC's web pages on this, as well as this:

I found the plan a bit vague as to specifics, but quite clear as to, given their assumed limitations, the reasons and hopes for the plan. Now, I could be simply misunderstanding it, so, as per usual, I read the blogs. This is the first time that much of the commentary seems much less clear than the government. It's a bit like being at a math or logic conference and not understanding where the assumptions of the proofs being given are coming from."

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