Monday, December 22, 2008

"disrespect for one's betters was obligatory, a humble peasant would be crowned king, and the great and the good would be mercilessly mocked."

This is a Christmas Tradition I admire. From the Guardian:

The power of panto ( I SIMPLY LOVE THAT PHRASE )

The message at the heart of the great British pantomime is as relevant today as ever( HEAR HEAR )
Ally Fogg in the pantomime Cinderella Ally Fogg in the pantomime Cinderella

I can confirm that the great British tradition of pantomime is alive and well, and our friend Harry Phibbs can sleep easy over Christmas. Apparently about 3 million people will visit a panto this season and about 250 of those turned up at my workplace last week to enjoy our own homespun effort.

A big theatrical production can cost up to £1m to stage. Our budget fell short of that to the tune of, well, £1million. It was a Cinderella production in more ways than one - complete with happy ending. Political correctness was forgotten, the kids pretended not to get the blue-tinted jokes, sweets were hurled defiantly in the churlish face of health and safety and a few hundred quid was raised for Barnardo's.

I have always loved pantomime. When I was a toddler, I was taken to see the great Stanley Baxter at the Citizens Theatre, Glasgow. Nearly 40 years later, I can remember nothing about the details; I can't even remember which pantomime it was, but the gut-squeezing excitement of the evening has never left me and I doubt it ever will.

There is something quite primal about the power of panto. It is possible (and fascinating) to draw a social history of Britain that mirrors the history of the form, ending with our own tawdry celebrity culture. Politicians who are concerned about integration and British values should have been in our community centre last week, where cast and audience were drawn from every culture, colour and creed, all throwing themselves into the most British of traditions.

Our king was played by a distinguished, heavily-bearded, Punjabi-accented British Sikh. "So let me get this straight," he said at rehearsal. "the prince and his best friend are played by women, and the two ugly sisters are played by men?" He pondered this casting for a moment before adding: "So why can't I be Cinderella?" It makes you proud to be British.

To me, speaking thematically if not a historically, the defining moment in panto's history was when the Romans brought Saturnalia to Britain, where it mingled and mutated with the traditions of the Celtic Yule, which included wild revelry and dressing up as animals.

Saturnalia was the most popular and licentious of the Roman festivals, the day (and latterly the whole week) when slaves would sit up at the top table and be served by their masters, crimes would be pardoned, disrespect for one's betters was obligatory, a humble peasant would be crowned king, and the great and the good would be mercilessly mocked( IT SOUNDS HEAVENLY ).

It is the precise same spirit that makes panto so infectious and irresistible to this day. Whichever storyline is followed, a good panto will always prick the pomposity of the monarchs and aristocrats( I DO LOVE TO SEE THEM PROPERLY PRICKED ). The lowliest servant has the smartest mind and the quickest wit. Petty bureaucrats and constables are lampooned as buffoons( THAT'S NOT PANTO ).

Our own show was stolen by a little cameo from the local police community support officer, who stood up between scenes to report a complaint about the noise and demand that everyone laugh a bit more quietly. The riotous glee with which children disobeyed his instructions was quite precious.

I don't believe that panto is fundamentally about the triumph of good over evil, it is actually more subtle and subversive than that. It is about the triumph of virtue over authority( I LOVE IT ). Our anarchic heroes meet their destinies by doing precisely what they are not allowed to do, whether rubbing the lamp, travelling to London or going to the ball.

In an age when our leaders seem ever more aloof, when the tentacles of authority seems to creep ever deeper into the nooks and crannies of the private realm, that message has a resonance and relevance as strong today as at any time in the last 2000 years( I DEMAND PANTO IN THE US ).

Merry Christmas, everyone."

And Happy Channukah my Christian friends.

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