Saturday, December 13, 2008

"Does the SEC do any quantitative research ?"

From The Big Picture:

"Given how easily identifiable the Madoff/Ponzi scheme was mathematically, I must ask a simple question:

Does the SEC do any quantitative research ?

There is little evidence that the SEC is using any of the quantitative methods — now so common on Wall Street — for searching out and indentifying fraud.

I would suggest to the incoming head of the SEC to put together a blue ribbon of math professors, quant scientists and algo specialists to develop a few basic programs that ferrets thru market, options, and perfromance data looking for aberrational data series, and leading to criminals and fraud artists.


See also:
Numbers follow a surprising law of digits, and scientists can’t explain why
Lisa Zyga, 11:26 EST, May 10, 2007

Benford’s Law Part 1 - How to Spot Tax’s%20Law.html

Be Wary of Serial Correlation (December 2008)

Multiple Red Flags in Madoff Case
WSJ, DECEMBER 12, 2008,

Bernard Madoff’s Prison Reading List

Math Models are tools. The must be used, and interpreted. Given Paul Wilmott's earlier post, I'm not so sure this is that easy except in hindsight. However, I have to admit, that this does explain how the amount of Fraud, Negligence, Fiduciary Mismanagement, and Collusion, which I believe happened here, could occur. Nobody was looking for it. I do like the idea of more ferreting.

This is a good point, but I still believe that my wide net idea will work the best.

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