"How you think we might get out of our current economic problems has something to do with how you think we got into them in the first place.
Let me begin by noting several remarkable trends that accelerated dramatically over the last decade. The first is a steady decline in the saving rate, which actually became negative briefly during the phenomenal debt accumulation of 2005.
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The second is the climbing ratio of household mortgage debt to GDP.
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The third is the drop in the equity stake of households in their homes.
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What caused these dramatic changes? Certainly one factor that contributed to the trend in all three series over the last decade was the extension of bigger mortgages to households that traditionally would not have qualified. For example, Ashcraft and Schuermann (2007) noted that of the $2.7 trillion in new household mortgages that were originated in 2005, 22% went to subprime borrowers, 14% to alt-A, and 21% to jumbo loans."
Actually, when I look at the lower savings rate and rising mortgage debt, I assume that more people are investing in homes rather than other investments that constitute saving. The decline in equity could have something to do with the percentage of people now having homes including less wealthy people, or even money being spent in other areas which have risen enough to force lower payments on homes. As well, borrowing against a home might have increased, since the house is now thought of as a saving's account as well as a home.
I'm looking at the graph of Household Mortgage Debt, and the steep increase seems to have been in the last 8 years, so, yes, as to recent history it looks like Hamilton is correct. You're sure it wasn't the Bush Administration. Now, here's a nod to Dean Baker, who I didn't agree with earlier. I do think that it's possible that talk of Social Security Reform and the problems of funding it fully going forward has marginally influenced some people to really want to, at least, own their own home. Few people want to end up on the street.
"Fed Chair Ben Bernanke in 2007 attributed this increase in access to mortgage borrowing to technological improvements in the lending process:
the expansion [in subprime mortgage lending was] spurred in large part by innovations that reduced the costs for lenders of assessing and pricing risks. In particular, technological advances facilitated credit scoring by making it easier for lenders to collect and disseminate information on the creditworthiness of prospective borrowers. In addition, lenders developed new techniques for using this information to determine underwriting standards, set interest rates, and manage their risks.
Presumably one of the things we can agree upon today is that Bernanke's analysis on this matter was incorrect. These new loans weren't smarter and better, but stunningly stupid. Here's the characterization I offered in 2007:
mortgages with no downpayment, negative amortization, no investigation or documentation of the borrowers' ability to repay, and loans to households who had demonstrated problems managing simple credit card debt.
Why does this matter for what we do next? One view of the current situation is that the core problem at the moment is that consumers are too frightened to spend and banks too hamstrung to lend. If that was your view, you might think that the goal of policy is to spur households back into borrowing and banks back into lending. But when I look at the three graphs above, my reaction is that it's neither feasible nor desirable to return to the ratios as they stood in 2005. The low saving and high leverage that we saw in 2005 were an anomalous departure from the likely sustainable steady-state values, and there will be no road that leads back to those from here.
If that's the case, then resuming economic growth requires replacing spending on consumption and residential fixed investment with nonresidential investment and net exports. But charting a course for how to get there is profoundly challenging-- what firm would want to invest in the current environment, and which country is in a position to increase their purchases from us?
So Plan B, at least in the interim, would seem to be an increase in the fraction of GDP devoted to government investment."
I'm fine with a stimulus, and agree with the idea that many bad loans were made, but I don't see an inherent problem with some people still finding buying a home a good savings strategy as well. Once again, there's no excuse for fraud or people buying homes that they can't afford, but I am not yet convinced that we have a figure on home ownership percentage that needs to be adhered to. I'd rather leave that to individual human choices.
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