Wednesday, December 17, 2008

I Call For Debasing

On Bloomberg Video, one of my favorites, James Grant, says that we don't need an SEC. In fact, the SEC comforts investors into believing that the government is doing their Due Diligence for them. This is true, and Regulators will always fall short of the mark, which is why I prefer a more modest task like supervision. However, the SEC doesn't really exist only for investors. Average citizens need to know that, theoretically, at least, the very wealthy are not using their wealth and power to totally rig the system to their benefit, and there is someone out there watching out for them. It is like the minimum wage, in that, however effective it really is, it signals to average people that there is a bottom wage that employers can negotiate them into. In other words, they are largely symbolic in nature, serving to inspire confidence in the system. I agree that the SEC is not as effective as knowledgeable investors who could use the courts to get recompense for being wronged, but that moves us into the courts which also have a problem of lack of confidence. Casey Mulligan also misperceives how much confidence people have in the DOJ, for example. The SEC doesn't exist for James Grant, but for the average citizen.

I do agree with Grant that now is the time for investors, call them value investors, to be looking into buying into the market. If I'm right, you would be buying in a panic that has thrown fundamentals out for the time being, so that some bargains, in the form of under-priced stocks and bonds, should be available. Mind you, I am not qualified to actually give financial advice, but Grant is.

Finally, I disagree with Grant about debasing the coinage. Right now, we have to debase. No one enjoys debasing, but, if there ever was a time for debasing, this is it. Notice how the choice of terms, "quantitative easing", "printing money", "debasing the coinage", helps determine what a person thinks about the policy. Anyway, please watch the video: Says SEC Irrelevant%3B Fed Moves to Retard Recovery&clipSRC=mms://

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