At the end of October, the International Monetary Fund announced a bold departure: It would offer as much as $100 billion in loans to troubled countries, but wouldn’t require them to make the severe policy changes that the IMF has demanded for decades.

So far not a single country has taken the IMF up on the offer, though the global recession deepens daily. Why the reticence? IMF officials say it’s too early to judge the success or failure of the program. “A number of countries” have approached the IMF to explore the loan program, said an official, though none of the countries have formally applied for money under the program.

In any event the existence of the program is reassuring, the official said, because countries know they have a “safety net” to help should they face trouble.

But the program may have deeper problems. The loans are aimed at countries that IMF judges to have sound policies, but which are facing liquidity problems. Mexico, Brazil and South Korea are the kinds of countries the IMF has in mind. The IMF is willing to provide such countries three-month loans that could be renewed two times, for a total of nine months in all.

A senior official from a country that could qualify for such loans, though, said three-months is too short a time and the requirement for renewals makes the whole effort a hassle. He said these program requirements were the handiwork of European countries that don’t want to provide condition-free loans. The IMF had to negotiate with its member nations before it received approval to offer the new loans.

Other countries may be worried that by taking out such loans, they are signaling to the market big problems ahead.

The IMF is talking regularly with possible borrowers and would make changes if they become necessary, the IMF official said. –Bob Davis"