Thursday, December 25, 2008

"Things may be bad, but I don’t think we are going back there. "

John Plender with a good post in the FT:

Insight: Opportunities for cheer in this time of adversity

By John Plender

Published: December 23 2008 16:06 | Last updated: December 23 2008 16:06

In a spirit of seasonal goodwill, this column will attempt to cheer shell-shocked investors with a little optimism.

Quixotic, I grant you, after a year in which the lights went out all across the global financial system. But worth a try, even if the caveats have to be set out first.

There is no escape from the fact that the global economy in 2009 will be truly awful. Worse, with surplus( SAVER ) countries such as Japan, Germany and China showing no sign of contributing to a solution to global imbalances( THEY WANT TO KEEP THE CURRENT SYSTEM, AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE ), subtrend growth is on the cards for some years after the recession comes to an end( NO WAY OF KNOWING THAT ).

The return of the state as an important actor in the economies of the developed countries takes us into a far from brave new world in terms of animal spirits( WE'LL GET THEM BACK ).

Capitalism will be( SLIGHTLY ) more heavily regulated( TRUE ) and less entrepreneurial( FALSE ). As for the financial system, a further round of bank recapitalisations will be needed( MAYBE ) and the problem of pricing toxic paper remains unresolved( IT WILL BE SOLVED SOON ).

Note, too, that when the financial system finally does recover and the economy is on the mend, the timing of any return to fiscal and monetary rectitude, after the huge efforts to stave off deflation, poses a horrific policy challenge( FAIR ENOUGH ).

Yet it is clear that the US will leave no policy stone unturned in the attempt to put the economic show back on the road( TRUE ), so there should be no Japanese-style lost decade in North America.

That is a very positive message for the global economy. And in the world of investment, opportunities abound while pessimism rules( I AGREE ).

The most interesting now lie in the corporate bond market( I AGREE ). As Mark Kiesel of the bond fund manager Pimco points out, high quality credit spreads are trading at their widest levels for 75 years, while investors this month have been able to put their money into a diversified basket of investment grade corporate bonds yielding 8 per cent compared with an earnings yield on the S&P 500 of 6 per cent or less.

All across the developed world, corporate bond yields appear to be discounting defaults on a scale that defies common sense( I AGREE ).

Equities likewise look cheap in big markets in terms of the Q ratio, which measures share prices relative to the replacement cost of net assets, and price earnings multiples( TRUE ). Yet the market will probably have to cope with some spectacular bankruptcies in 2009 and in a more muted capitalist environment the earnings prospect in the developed world looks unexciting.

So while the market will find a floor, any bounce may be tame( WE'LL SEE ). The way to make big money in equities will be to identify those companies that will defy the market’s expectation that they will fail( THAT'S TRUE ).

In terms of countries, the UK is now the developed world’s bargain basement after sterling’s slide. International investors will see value in UK equities. Also in property (where, as the chairman of a property company, I have to declare an interest).( GOOD LUCK BRITS )

The first half of 2009 will be bad in commercial property with forced sales pushing up yields against a background of weakening rents. But the market should then stabilise because it offers real value( I AGREE ).

Yields in the UK came down proportionately much less than in the US in the boom, and the level of speculative development has been much less than in previous cycles. With well-let properties available on yields as high as 8 or 9 per cent against 10-year gilts at a little more than 3 per cent, this will be a very tempting prospect for international investors.

The tank traps next year could be in the government bond markets. With no borrowing taking place in the private sector, governments are being crowded in. Hence low yields on fixed interest debt. When credit markets return to health, this will be very dangerous territory( POSSIBLY A BUBBLE ).

If you still feel gloomy, remember that it could be worse. In December 1974 the dividend yield on the FT All-Share index reached 12.7 per cent. Things may be bad, but I don’t think we are going back there."

Just think if it were really like the 1930s.

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