Thursday, December 11, 2008

"The US is bankrupt, and is either going to default or devalue the currency to the point of hyperinflation. "

Irrational Doomsday sees a bubble as well, but he/she also sees hyperinflation, which, while possible, is not a necessity or certainty:

"Treasuries are basically yielding 0% right now, sometimes even flirting with negative yields. And the Fed is going to continue to cut. And the gov't is going to continue to offer more debt, even saying it will use unconventional and creative means to issue more debt.

Why would anyone give the government free money, or in the case of negative yields, pay the government to hold it's money.

If people are worried about deflation, stick your cash in a mattress, at least you don't lose money on the deal.

It makes no sense, other than the fact that Treasury demand is now just operating as a speculative bubble. People are betting that more people will continue to buy up debt, driving prices up. This is an obvious speculative bubble, with absolutely nothing grounded in any notion of investment- with sovereign default rates at record levels, and no returns, or negative returns, how can you justify the risk/reward ratio?

You can't. This bubble is going to burst like all bubbles do, and government borrowing costs are going to skyrocket, as they are simultaneously going to attempt to release more and more debt, and the deficit is widening by record levels.

Eventually, they are going to have to start paying their interest with more debt instruments which is going to create a vicious cycle.

The US is bankrupt, and is either going to default or devalue the currency to the point of hyperinflation."

I certainly hope he/she is wrong.

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