Thursday, January 29, 2009

I AGREE with Olivier Blanchard that fear and lack of confidence are major problems behind the current economic downturn.

From Free Exchange:

"Blanchard roundtable: The economy needs a placebo
Posted by:
Tyler Cowen
Blanchard roundtable
Tyler Cowen is Professor of Economics at George Mason University. He co-writes the popular economics blog Marginal Revolution. This discussion can be followed in its entirety here.

I AGREE with Olivier Blanchard that fear and lack of confidence are major problems behind the current economic downturn. I also agree that the banking sector requires recapitalisation and that this is hard to do. But I dissent from his analysis in a few key regards.

First, to the extent the real problem is fear, this militates in favour of placebo policies. By that I mean initiatives which appear bold and have great symbolic value, but which don't necessarily cost us very much. I haven't seen us make a major attempt to identify such proposals, but it is unlikely that an $800 billion stimulus fits the bill. I would sooner beef up automatic stabilisers, and aid to state and local governments, and claim that this, along with some regulatory changes, will help the economy. Unorthodox monetary policy, as the Fed is intent on pursuing, should be presented in this guise as well. The reality is that we don't actually know what will work, precisely because the problem goes beyond just stimulating aggregate demand.

I'm not opposed to the idea of “ring fencing” the bad assets on bank balance sheets, but that alone doesn't solve any problems. If the assets are to be bought, the question is at what price. Buying at a low price doesn't help any. Buying at a high price means a giveaway to the banks. Such giveaways might be necessary at this point but they could cost trillions. Today the key problem is that we don't know how to turn zombie banks into real banks.

I'm not sure we should be encouraging consumers to spend so much more. We need to make the painful adjustment to lower levels of spending and debt. Consumers have to spend less at some point and I believe that point is now, however painful the results may be. Mr Blanchard focuses on insufficient spending as a key problem but I am more likely to see the economy as needing to adjust to real shocks. We need to reallocate resources out of construction, finance, and debt-financed consumption. Boosting aggregate demand could make that adjustment harder rather than easier. Mr Blanchard never tells us when he thinks that consumer spending should fall.

Most generally, we all need to keep in mind that trying to restore public confidence is tricky. If you try hard, and fail, confidence then plummets and it is even harder next time around. This is a potential problem with both the stimulus approach and the placebo approach.

Most of all, I don't think we are paying enough attention to the placebo idea. It is well known in the medical literature that sometimes placebos work as well as the drugs themselves.

(Photo credit: George Mason University)"

"First, to the extent the real problem is fear, this militates in favour of placebo policies. By that I mean initiatives which appear bold and have great symbolic value, but which don't necessarily cost us very much. I haven't seen us make a major attempt to identify such proposals, but it is unlikely that an $800 billion stimulus fits the bill."

I believe that the purpose of the stimulus is to show confidence that we will come out of this by investing in the future. In that sense, I agree that it is largely symbolic. However, investing in infrastructure can have positive benefits going forward if it is spent wisely. In that sense, it is not a placebo.

"and aid to state and local governments"

Over $100 Billion seems to be for this.

"Unorthodox monetary policy, as the Fed is intent on pursuing, should be presented in this guise as well."

I agree with this, but it is separate from the stimulus.

"The reality is that we don't actually know what will work, precisely because the problem goes beyond just stimulating aggregate demand."

This is true, which is why the bill includes incentives for investment to attack the fear and aversion to risk.

"Such giveaways might be necessary at this point but they could cost trillions. Today the key problem is that we don't know how to turn zombie banks into real banks."

They are not. We can nationalize the banks, and then return them to the private sector. Or, if that bothers us, spend a huge amount of money for nothing in return. It's our choice.

"I'm not sure we should be encouraging consumers to spend so much more."

That's not the intent of the tax cuts. It's to stop a savings spree, which would contribute to a Debt-Deflation Spiral. If you don't see that as a possibility, then I understand your point. I believe that it is a serious possibility.

The bill includes social safety net spending as well. It seems like a compromise plan, which has a decent pragmatic approach.

I would have preferred:
1) $100 Billion in infrastructure investment
2) $100 Billion in incentives for investing
3) $200 Billion in a sales tax cut or payroll tax cut
4) Social safety net spending.
The administration's approach is not far from this. Other than doing nothing like this list, what exactly are you proposing?

I like to quote Burke on politics:

"All government, indeed every human benefit and enjoyment, every virtue, and every prudent act, is founded on compromise and barter. "

Sadly, the GOP counts zero Burkeans in their midst. Of course, Burke was a Whig.
1/30/2009 1:51 AM GST"

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