Wednesday, January 28, 2009

If the country of bare-knuckled capitalism no longer believes in it - at least temporarily - all bets are off.

John Gapper in the FT:

Americans now distrust the free market

January 28, 2009

I started my day in Davos with Richard Edelman of the eponymous public relations company at a breakfast to launch its annual trust barometer report.

The conclusion is that trust in chief executives and private enterprise is at an all-time low. Trust in US business fell from 58 per cent last year to 38 per cent, bringing it in line with levels similar to the other side of the Atlantic.

The statistic I found most interesting is that only 49 per cent of Americans, living in the country of capitalism and free enterprise, thought the free market should be allowed to operate independently.

As Richard put it: “America is the new Europe”.

I find that, if not surprising, quite a sobering figure. If the country of bare-knuckled capitalism no longer believes in it - at least temporarily - all bets are off.

Nick Burns, a Harvard professor and former undersecretary of state for the US, said the world was at “a hinge point in history” similar to 1919, when the public’s trust in institutions is exhausted and political change results.

I plan to write more about the issue in my FT column tomorrow.

Here's my reply awaiting moderation:

"The conclusion is that trust in chief executives and private enterprise is at an all-time low."

This is one big reason that I favor nationalization. The bankers are part of the panic. Leaving them in place is a panic accelerant. What people view as the free market is our system of crony and corporate capitalism, in which investors and businesses count on government largess for themselves at the expense of others. Wittgenstein said "If a lion could speak, we could not understand it". For these bankers we can say, "If a free market existed, they could not compete in it". Life is full of paradoxes. Right now, we need to take these disasters over, and spit them back out into the private realm as quickly as possible. As for the free market, I'll email you the minute I see it.

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