Thursday, February 26, 2009

Studying subjects like philosophy does impact critical thinking and communication skills.

From Free Exchange:

"Is philosophy a luxury good?
Posted by: | NEW YORK

ACCCORDING to Maslow’s hierarchy the answer is yes. It suggests you can only ponder the state of your soul when your most basic physical and material needs have been met. But philosophers, and other professors in the humanities, struggle to convince the world otherwise.

In previous downturns the number of students studying humanities decreased. When jobs become scarce, students feel more inclined to study subjects that are easier to market to employers. Further, with the government having to prioritise its education funding, and with university endowments down, resources for the humanities are often the first to go.

From what I’ve heard recently about the academic job market for the humanities (which faces excess supply even in good years), it sounds as if someone who made their living packaging CDOs faces better prospects than a history PhD. Many universities are scaling back their departments by not hiring new faculty, and often not even replacing retiring professors.

But cutting back on humanities could be a false economy. Studying subjects like philosophy does impact critical thinking and communication skills. Intellectually diverse societies often are the very ones that tend to thrive. Amar Bhide argues that India did itself a great economic disservice by producing too many engineers. Also, law professor Anthony T. Kronman argues that economic and social upheaval only highlights the need to re-examine moral issues.

But “the need for my older view of the humanities is, if anything, more urgent today,” he added, referring to the widespread indictment of greed, irresponsibility and fraud that led to the financial meltdown. In his view this is the time to re-examine “what we care about and what we value,” a problem the humanities “are extremely well-equipped to address.”

I remember after the Enron debacle my graduate school advisor, dean of a business school, was under intense pressure to add more ethics classes to the MBA curriculum. I’ve often wondered if morality can even be taught to MBA students; It seems your values are pretty well formed by that age. Most students come to business school possessing a solid moral foundation, but can any class teach morality to the minority who lack it? Would a mortgage broker pushing dodgy loans have thought twice if he had read more Kant at university?"


"Studying subjects like philosophy does impact critical thinking and communication skills."

I studied philosophy and linguistics in college and graduate school, and that's exactly what I say when I'm asked by people what it did for me. I reply, "It impacted my critical thinking and communication skills?" The reply is usually, "For better or worse?" I reply, "Both, of course".

If you really want to be the life of the party, try the Elenchus on everybody you meet.
2/26/2009 10:47 PM GST

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