Thursday, December 11, 2008

“Anyone waiting for things to get back to normal is mad.”

I just don't get this, but it's consistent with my feelings about the overdose on fear and aversion to risk. Stacy-Marie Ishmael on Alphaville:

UK consumers adopt Depression-era mentality, Asda head says

Sales of home hair-dye kits and frozen food are surging as a Depression-era mentality sets in across Britain, the head of Asda said Thursday. Andy Bond, chief executive of the supermarket chain, said the group’s customers were also cutting back on ready meals and haircuts, and eating food past its use-by date in an attempt to save money. He warned that, as in the 1930s, the severity of the downturn would change consumer behaviour for a generation. “This won’t be a recession where it’s a blip and then people return to how they were,” he said. “Anyone waiting for things to get back to normal is mad.” Other supermarkets have seen similar trends. At Tesco, sales of coffee makers and Thermos flasks are up 75 per cent as people opt for home-made drinks instead of shop-bought lattes. Across the grocery sector, sales of bottled water and smoothies are falling as people opt to drink from the tap and eat fruit."

Back to normal? I'll take back to sanity. We're not to the 1930s yet.

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