Thursday, December 11, 2008

"But a Ponzi scheme is all about fraud, all about taking as much out for yourself as possible (well, that is also the name of the game on Wall Street

I decided to quote Yves Smith on this story that confirms my Fraud, Negligence, Fiduciary Mismanagement, and Collusion theory of this current crisis:

"A $50 Billion Fraud? So Where is the Money?

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If $50 billion really went poof in Bernie Madoff's self-described Ponzi scheme, where did the proceeds go? This has to top what any dictator ever siphoned out of a banana republic. (Note that the Journal suggests that at least $17 billion has disappeared, so inflation adjusted, the Perons may be ahead). The story also suggests he was merely a very bad trader and merely lost the money.

In the case of other Wall Street operations that are now toast, the losses were the result of very big losses on positions and overpaying themselves bonuses in years that appeared to be good, but if the profits had been risk adjusted, were not so hot.

But a Ponzi scheme is all about fraud, all about taking as much out for yourself as possible (well, that is also the name of the game on Wall Street generally, but the rent-seeking is presumed to be on the back of an underlying legitimate activity) So where did the dough go?

And Madoff had to know this would blow up. Wonder why he didn't flee to Panama.

From the Wall Street Journal:"

Read the rest. This story will probably get a ton of coverage so let's just leave it at that for now.

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