Thursday, January 8, 2009

"And I've been realizing lately that it hasn't been fun for a long time."

This is sad. From L'Hote:

"Tuesday, January 6, 2009

bye for now

I could go into a big spiel here, but to be simple about it, when I first started doing this I said that if I ever stopped having fun with it, I would stop. And I've been realizing lately that it hasn't been fun for a long time. So I'm gonna stop.

You can always drop me an email if you feel like it, and maybe I'll catch you in the comments on other blogs. All my best. Cheers. "

As my friend Cate says, my blog is really a diary, of sorts. I simply comment upon or mention events or blogs or anything else that interests me. Since a small handful of people follow my blog, I don't receive many comments. I do seem to receive a fair amount of investing ads. What's that all about? Anyway, the most controversial comments I've gotten so far are about the silly debate over who is or isn't a libertarian. That's earth shattering stuff. So, I don't know how Freddie feels. But I do believe that if people are reading your blog and responding to it, it is a very positive state of affairs.

I'm hoping and predicting he'll come back. Taking on topics like the Israeli-Palestinian war can be quite exhausting, but, if people are reading what you write, then you might well have a positive impact on at least a few people. Isn't that enough?

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