Monday, January 26, 2009

In fact, his report is a testament to how far into tragedy Zionism has come since the Camp David Agreements

From Bernard Avishai:

"One Dimensional

Bob Simon, a graduate of Brandeis University, told me years ago (over a balmy Tel-Aviv dinner, back at the time of the Camp David Agreements) that he got his break with CBS in the late 1960s because he was able to deliver an interview with Herbert Marcuse, the reluctant NewLeft icon. Marcuse had been Simon's teacher at Brandeis and his One Dimensional Man was then all the rage. I thought of this wistful conversation watching Simon's grim report on Sixty Minutes this morning. We will soon hear from media watch groups, accusing Simon of being one-dimensional, or questioning his feelings for Jewish battles. In fact, his report is a testament to how far into tragedy Zionism has come since the Camp David Agreements (and Brandeis hired people like Herbert Marcuse).

Regarding the Jewish hubris Simon exposes, add this to your reading list: the instructions offered by the IDF's Chief Rabbi to our callow boys, recently sent into Gaza; compare them to the pilot's letter I considered a few years back, and Ben-Gurion's instructions to read Natan Alterman's scathing poem Al-Zot to all IDF troops after a number of Israeli soldiers had shot indiscriminately at Palestinian civilians. And regarding reading lists, many readers have asked me to consolidate the last two posts on U.S. policy, which Simon's report speaks to, into one document. Here it is."

Simon's report was heartbreaking. The IDF's Chief Rabbi's words are hard to read.

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