Friday, January 2, 2009

Without steadfast support from France, which armed the genocidal regime and helped train its killers, the slaughter would have been impossible.

A good post on the Guardian:

"Stephen Kinzer

An international tribunal has sentenced the mastermind of the 1994 Rwandan genocide, Colonel Theoneste Bagosora, to life imprisonment after convicting him of "genocide and crimes against humanity and war crimes". The verdict, though, is at best a mixed victory for the cause of global justice.

Bagosora richly deserves his sentence. Rwandans themselves bear the central guilt for their tragedy, and he was among the guiltiest. Shortly before the slaughter began, he announced that he was preparing a "second apocalypse". Tutsi-led rebels were close to overthrowing the regime he helped run, and along with a couple of dozen like-minded comrades, he decided that its best hope was to kill every Tutsi in the country. They almost succeeded, organising the murder of as many as one million people or more in a 100-day period.

As punishment, Bagosora will likely spend the rest of his days in material conditions far better than those enjoyed by 95% of Rwandans. He will be deprived of his freedom, but the world's taxpayers, through the UN, will assure that he has a comfortable cell, three meals a day and the world's finest medical care.

One thing will be missing, though. In the modern age, prisons that hold war criminals, political murderers and other terrorists are populated mostly by brutes like Bagosora – people easily portrayed as thugs from thuggish places. So the newly convicted genocide mastermind will not have the chance to exchange thoughts with his more genteel enablers.

In a just world, Bagosora might have French company in his cell block. Without steadfast support from France, which armed the genocidal regime and helped train its killers, the slaughter would have been impossible. So it seems only fair that a few French aristocrats be held responsible. One candidate would be former foreign minister Alain Juppe, who built a framework within which the slaughter could be carried out by telling the world that it was not genocide but "tribal war" in which opposing groups were equally guilty. There could also be room in the block for others who shielded the Rwandan regime as it killed, among them Edouard Balladur, Dominique de Villepin and Hubert Vedrine.( A GOOD POINT )

No one ever took more delight in these men's company than the lifelong Francophone Boutros Boutros-Ghali, so it would be a shame to leave him off the cellblock. As UN secretary-general in 1994, Boutros-Ghali made sure no security council members ever saw the anguished cables that were pouring into New York from the desperate UN commander in Rwanda, General Romeo Dallaire. Those cables made clear that the killing was no eruption of "tribal war", but the work of Bagosora and a clique of other fanatics who might easily have been intimidated with even a modest show of force.

While the genocide unfolded, Boutros-Ghali was on an extended tour of Europe. To make sure Dallaire's damning cables remained hidden, he relied on his trusted deputy, Kofi Annan, who was then head of UN peacekeeping operations. If there is room for Boutros-Ghali and his French friends on Bagosora's block, there should also be room for Annan.( WOW )

No international gathering these days is complete without Bill Clinton, and by some standards he too could qualify for a cell on Bagosora's block. During the 100 days of genocide in Rwanda, Clinton never even convened a meeting to discuss it because he knew that the facts were so awful that if he confronted them, he would be compelled to act. Later he said he had not known what was happening in Rwanda. General Dallaire called him a liar, and Philippe Galliard, who ran Red Cross operations in Rwanda during the genocide, agreed. "Everybody knew, every day, live, what was happening," he said after Clinton's whopper.( A DISGRACE )

Just as Boutros-Ghali had an ambitious underling who was salivating for the big job, and who knew that demanding action to stop genocide in Rwanda would ruin his chances, so did Clinton. His was Madeleine Albright. As America's ambassador to the UN, she worked tirelessly to assure that the peacekeeping force was kept too small and toothless to stop the killing. Later she helped block a plan to send UN police to disarm the hundreds of thousands of Rwandan genocidaires who had fled to camps in eastern Congo – a piece of work that helped create today's Congolese hell.( DISGRACEFUL )

Justice works slowly, and none more slowly than the international kind. The International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda has spent more than a billion dollars since its creation in 1995, but has completed only 40 cases. All the defendants have been Rwandans, as undoubtedly will be all those convicted in the future. The tribunal's motto is "never again". A better one would from an old Bob Dylan song: The executioner's face is always well hidden."

And this has led to the Congo.

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