Friday, November 7, 2008

"The consensus was that this was not a mandate for Democrats"

It's not a Mensa meeting, for sure. From David Weigel on Reason:

"The American Spectator's Philip Klein reports from a meeting of the conservative movement's old Reaganite hands in Virginia.

There's a strong feeling, [Spectator Editor R. Emmet] Tyrrell said, that social conservatives, free market conservatives, and national security conservatives will all be able to work together.

He also said that "there's a sense that the Republicans on Capitol Hill are freer of wobbly-kneed Republicans than they were before the election."

[Spectator Publisher Al] Regnery said, "The consensus was that this was not a mandate for Democrats, that this country is still center-right. The overriding fear was that the Republican Party does not represent conservatives," and there was a desire to get behind genuinely conservative candidates."

Here's my comment:

Don the libertarian Democrat | November 7, 2008, 3:48pm

"The consensus was that this was not a mandate for Democrats, that this country is still center-right"

It might be more useful if this consensus was among the citizenry, rather than a small group of biased ideologues trying to make themselves feel better.

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