Monday, November 17, 2008

"There is a real danger that this action plan - within such a short time frame - can actually make the global downturn dramatically worse."

Simon Johnson on The Baseline Scenario on the G2o statement:

"Initial reactions to the G20 summit are fairly positive, in the sense that the communique and associated press conferences conveyed (a) there was no open acrimony, (b) the body language was broadly supportive of countercyclical policies, and (c) there may now be a serious international regulatory agenda.

None of this is really new and it could all have been arranged by finance ministers (probably over the telephone), but I agree there is some useful symbolism in having heads of industrialized and emerging market governments convene for the first time (ever?) on these kind of issues."

This seems correct.

"But there is, unfortunately, another way to read the communique - as a government or international official, for whom this text really is a set of instructions to be implemented. The whole first part of the document is generic and definitely not new, so - as an official - one’s eye skips through that quickly. The real issue is the deliverables in the plan of action, with a pressing deadline at the end of March (this is pretty much like saying “do it tomorrow” to an official). This is where we - an official reader is thinking - must concentrate our immediate attention and efforts. And most of these specific actions are about tightening regulation on and around credit, or beginning processes that definitely point towards many dimensions for this kind of tightening - accounting standards, hedge funds, risk disclosures, financial sector assessments, credit rating agencies, risk management and stress testing models, international standard setters, sanctions for misconduct, reporting to supervisors in different countries, and more."

But I didn't see any specifics.

"But we are still not out of this crisis. And tightening regulations quickly in the midst of a worldwide credit crunch is one good way to make sure that credit contracts further and faster. Lending standards naturally tighten in a crisis; the issue to address going forward is how to prevent standards from loosening too much in the next boom - but this is at least several years down the road. I’m in favor of starting early, but I do not like precipitate action just because you want to look busy and you could not agree on the more pressing issues, such as fiscal policy, support for the IMF, shoring up the eurozone, and so on.

It is true that one (among many) of the stated principles is: “Mitigating against pro-cyclicality in regulatory policy.” But that is a general statement that is not mapped into operational requirements - except that the IMF and FSF should work together on this, which is a good way to make sure it doesn’t happen. What officials have to deliver on, by the end of March, is substantive progress with regards to tougher and tighter regulation of credit. There is a real danger that this action plan - within such a short time frame - can actually make the global downturn dramatically worse."

Based on the document, I wouldn't worry. It isn't clear that they can agree on anything. But point well taken. Regulation in a crisis is worrying on any number of fronts, not the least of which is making the situation far worse.

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