Sunday, November 9, 2008

"Time to pull the plug on AIG"

Yves Smith dissects the current AIG story. It's a must read:

"But the worst is that not only was the initial AIG de facto bankruptcy a case of looting, the government has now decided to aid and abet AIG management in further looting. What pro-taxpayer purpose is there in the improvement of terms above? None. As we pointed out, there were only a couple of reasons for easing up on AIG, and they could have been provided for with minor changes that would not leave the taxpayer materially worse off. Instead, major concessions have been made to AIG, all to the detriment of the taxpayer. AIG management now has job security for five years (and AIG top brass is very well paid) and better odds of salvaging something for themselves when the five years are up thanks to the government giving them an unwarranted subsidy.

When the TARP was announced, we called it "Mussolini-Style Corporatism in Action." Sadly, it looks as if events are panning out as foretold. "

I'm so sick of AIG that I'm with Willem Buiter

"In the absence of a proper SRR for AIG, nationalisation of AIG threatens to make all unsecured creditors whole. That would be disastrous for medium and long-term financial stability. I very much hope a way will be found to impose a charge/haircut on all unsecured creditors if AIG gets nationalised completely. I also hope that, if the authorities decide not to nationalise AIG completely at this stage, they will still succeed in making the senior unsecured debt holders and creditors of AIG pay a hefty price for this undeserved financial support."

I can't take anymore. Surely there comes a point where farce turns to tragedy, or maybe it's the other way around.

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