Monday, November 10, 2008

"Where are Austan Goolsbe, Jason Furman and Peter Orszag? Where are Jo Stiglitz and Paul Krugman?"

Oh my God this post is good. Willem Buiter on President Obama's economic team:

"A few features of this list jump out at the reader:

They’re old! The mean age is 61.9 years and the median is 60. Old age is good. I plan to enjoy it extensively and expect to be listened to respectfully by young whippersnappers. But even so… The youngest member is 49 years old. Were there no persons in their early 40s, their 30s or their late 20s who could brighten up this sexagenarian coterie?

Too few serious economists! There are far too few members with an serious background in economics, capable of grasping the complexities of the financial crisis, budgetary policy, monetary policy, international trade and global financial issues, tax reform, prioritising infrastructure spending, the economics of education, health insurance, health care, education and the environment. Experience running a business is of no help when it comes to preparing for and planning broad structural economic reforms. Most of this Transition Economic Advisory Board appears completely out of its depth - dead wood at best - a ball and chain at worst. I count only four of the 17 members as card-carrying, qualified economists – Roger Ferguson, Larry Summers, Laura Tyson and Paul Volcker. Where are Austan Goolsbe, Jason Furman and Peter Orszag? Where are Jo Stiglitz and Paul Krugman? If they are otherwise engaged, there are dozens of intelligent, wise and politically savvy younger economists who could play a useful role in the presidential transition process. Far too many lawyers! I count eight of them."

Any lawyers read my blog? Please don't take this personally:

"Except for a depressingly small minority among them, lawyers know nothing. They are incapable of logic. They don’t know the difference between necessary and sufficient conditions or between type I and type II errors. Indeed, any concept of probability is alien to them. They don’t understand the concepts of opportunity cost and trade off. They cannot distinguish between normative and positive statements. They are so focused on winning an argument through technicalities, that they no longer would recognise the truth if it bit them in the butt. If you are very lucky, a lawyer will give you nothing but the truth. You will never get the truth, let alone the whole truth. Things have degenerated to the point that lawyers and the legal profession not only routinely undermine justice, but even the law.

But the American political system is completely dominated by this largely socially unproductive and parasitic profession. Consider the membership of the House and the Senate (according to the Congressional Research Service 170 members of the House (out of 435) and 60 Senators (out of 100) are lawyers). Consider the professional training and background of past and future presidents (including Obama, 26 out of 44 presidents were lawyers) - and weep."

Here's the payoff:

"The one beacon of hope in this fog of mediocrity is Paul Volcker, a truly great man with more character, intelligence and vision than the rest of the Board put together. But can he, on his own, salvage this wreck in the making? I hope so, but I doubt it.

To summarize: the members of Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board are too old, too uninspiring and too much part of the problem to deliver the change America needs and to keep alive the hope that Obama may have inspired through his election. A wasted opportunity."

Here's my comment:

Too good! The post is brilliant, even though I like Robert Reich. Can I print the comments about lawyers as a broadside?

Posted by: Don the libertarian Democrat | November 10th, 2008 at 11:06 pm

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