Tuesday, October 28, 2008

"And if his son has a similar job, he makes less than the father did two decades back."

Interesting post on ChumpChanger:

"Talk of a GM and Chrysler merger is heating up, the premise being that somehow two companies gasping for breath will be able to keep going a little longer if they hold on tightly to each other. Still no thoughts out there about what the industrial Midwest will look like as the US automotive industry keeps shrinking. As in every election cycle, the troubled Midwest is at center stage for about three months"

A good post:

"Underlying the culture gap between the coasts and the center is an increasing economic gap. As the economic climate in places like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania becomes increasingly moribund, it makes companies ever less willing to locate there, creating a vicious cycle of economic decline. The question isn't how to bail out GM, Ford, and Chrysler. It's how to bail out the entire mid-20th century industrial economy they used to support. "

A great question. Any answers?

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