Friday, October 24, 2008

Credit Default Swaps: "Much Ado About Nothing "

Via Across The Curve, a great post on credit default swaps by Charles Davi:

"Much Ado About Nothing

So what is the big deal about these credit default swaps? Surely, there must be something terrifying and new about them that justifies all this media attention? Actually, there really isn’t. That said, all derivatives allow risk to be magnified (which I plan to discuss in a separate article)."

Please read the post and the blog. They're excellent.

As I've said, we need to make sure that we either have transparency and collateral for anything that magnifies risk or shifts it to others, or it must be minimally regulated to insure this.

Here's my comment:

“So, for anyone who owns the underlying bond, a CDS will allow them to protect the principal on that bond in exchange for sacrificing some of the yield on that bond.”

This just looks like insurance.

A. If AIG defaults, B has to go out and buy $100 million par value of AIG bonds.
B. B has to pay out $500,000 per month for the life of the agreement and receives nothing.

Why couldn’t this transaction be tied to anything? Wheat, currency, anything that I’d have to buy if it’s devalued? In other words, if you don’t own it, peg it to anything. Is there some reason to peg it to bonds or mortgages, as opposed to anything else?

If my question doesn’t make sense, don’t answer it. If you don’t want it on the blog but can answer me, please email me. Thanks, Don

And here's his answer, which is very clear and interesting:

"Hi Don,

Great name! Yes, it does look like insurance. At at a bilateral level, it is. However, insurance regulations don’t work in swap markets. Here’s why:

Derivative contracts can indeed be linked to any objectively observable and measurable event, e.g., the occurrence of a hurricane. These types of things exist. They’re called “weather bonds.”

I’m writing a piece on “synthetic instruments” which will discuss things like this so keep an eye out for it!"

I'm going to, and you should as well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your kind words! I'm glad I could be of some help.