Tuesday, October 14, 2008

A Hopeful Hypothesis

Casey Mulligan with some good news:

"As recently as 2008 Q2, corporate earnings were quite high by historical standards. This by itself predicts high rates of economic growth -- the baseline from which we can subtract any adverse growth effect of the today's so-called credit crunch. Moreover, corporate profits are an important substitute for bank loans (see my earlier posts). So an economy with high corporate profits is probably more resilient to banking sector failures than would an economy with low corporate profits...

In summary, the marginal product of capital in the months prior to today's liquidity crisis was much higher than it was in the months prior to the 1931-3 bank panics. This not only raises the growth rate forecast from which to subtract any adverse impact of liquidity crisis, but also reduces the expected magnitude of that impact.

It makes sense to me, but here's my response:

Don said...

God I hope you're right. But, correct me if I'm wrong, aren't we going to have to wait and see?

Don the libertarian Democrat

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