Sunday, October 26, 2008

"Implicit government obligations represent the lion's share of government liabilities in the U.S"

Tyler Cowen with an interesting post, quoting Alexander W. Blocker, Laurence J. Kotlikoff, and Stephen A. Ross:

Mark to market for Social Security?

Why not, I say?

Implicit government obligations represent the lion's share of government liabilities in the U.S. and many other countries. Yet these liabilities are rarely measured, let alone properly adjusted for their risk. This paper shows, by example, how modern asset pricing can be used to value implicit fiscal debts taking into account their risk properties."

My comment:

Good question. Answers:
1) Wishful thinking
2) Procrastination
3) No political solution or constituency
4) No powerful lobby
5) Implicit, actually explicit, allows obfuscation
6) Bagehot's Principle: The government will have to pay in the end. Let the government in the future deal with it then.
7) We never do anything tough until a crisis
8) The people telling us this couldn't even stop our current crisis. What do they really know?
9) We'll be dead
10) God will take care of it

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