Friday, October 3, 2008

Is This Plan Free Market?

Here's Steve King on why he voted against the plan:

"The good news is that we have several options that don’t rely on taxpayers to bailout Wall Street. The FDIC can work with banks to ease capital requirements to help them weather the storm. The SEC can modify fair value accounting so that assets aren’t worthless during times like these, but can be valued on the basis of their true economic value. There is also a proposal to let private investors fund the bailout through Guaranteed Recovery Bonds, or to set up insurance programs to ensure Wall Street bankrolls its own recovery. "

Hey Steve, the FDIC, SEC, and your other programs seem to involve the government. Even tax breaks involve government action, with no assurance they will give enough inducement for private businesses to buy these troubled assets.

When the government uses private businesses to accomplish a result, the government is still involved. Somehow, I feel the taxpayers will still be the final guarantor of these ideas if they don't work.

Am I wrong?

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