Friday, October 10, 2008

Justin Fox Correctly Predicted Where We're Going

Justin Fox rightly predicted where we're going early on:

"What this amounts to is the Swedish solution--a plan of action nearly identical, albeit it of course on a much larger scale, to what the Swedish government undertook during a banking crisis in 1993. And while I certainly am not gonna take credit for introducing this idea (the Swedes should get that, and they in turn give some of it to Franklin Delano Roosevelt and his bank rescue in 1933; plus some guy at the Cleveland Fed wrote a paper on "The Swedish Experience" [pdf] more than a year ago), there was a time early this year when I and Merrill Lynch's David Rosenberg were about the only people discussing it as a legitimate possibility and others seemed to think we were a little nuts."

Here's my comment:

I have been for a version of the Swedish Plan because:

1) It worked.

2) It's clearer, easier to understand, and therefore easier to assess, and so likely to be cheaper than hybrid/compromise plans.

3) It's what the markets are actually counting on.

4) It will be easier to exit.

Do you agree that it will be easier to exit? I do, precisely because it is clearer and easier to assess.

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