Wednesday, October 15, 2008

A Little More Good News

Some good news via Econbrowser from James Hamilton:

"Plenty of gloom out there if you're hungry for more. But I wanted to pass along a couple of developments this week that give me some hope.

First, via Rebecca Wilder and Arnold Kling, the Federal Reserve's H8 statistical release shows a big increase in real estate loans held by large commercial banks during the last week of September. There's likely a mechanical explanation in terms of some reallocation of security ownership during the recent turmoil. But if there has also been an increase of direct lending, that would be a promising development."

So, the good news so far today:

1) A possible increase in direct lending.

2) Stocks are more fairly valued.

3) Interbank lending a bit easier.

4) Corporate Earnings have been high.

5) Non-residential investment has been slightly up.

Well, I tried to cheer you up.

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