Thursday, October 23, 2008

" My guess would be, "No."

Arnold Kling, another one of my favorites, disagrees with me:

"He writes,

I always wonder if the people making the decisions actually had these thoughts, i.e. if they explicitly made decisions based upon the assumption that there was a large possibility of a bailout if they blew things up. Do you think they did?

My guess would be, "No." They thought they were too brilliant to blow things up. I honestly blame arrogance and what I call the "suits vs. geeks" divide, rather than incentives.

Moreover, to the extent that there are problems with executives looting corporations, I doubt that government is the solution. If you want to see real looting, watch what happens when Progressive Corporatism kicks into gear."

I think that this is wrong, and, remember, he's guessing.

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