Sunday, October 12, 2008

Some Regulation To Deal With Leverage

Via Naked Capitalism, some regulation:

"Better late than never, I suppose. Finally the powers that be acknowledge the role of leverage in our financial crisis and vow to do better next time.

From the Independent:
The governments of the world's largest economies have moved decisively to prevent any recurrence of the collapse of the global financial system.

The Financial Stability Forum, an umbrella body that comprises individual governments and central banks as well as international bodies such as the IMF, has proposed that, in future, banks will be prevented from borrowing – or creating "leverage" – on the scale seen in recent years, and will have to set aside more of their own resources, or capital, so that they can withstand any future turbulence. Mario Draghi, chairman of the forum and governor of the Bank of Italy, said it had taken an unprecedented financial crisis to drive home to financial institutions that they have to have "less debt, more capital". Firms have resisted because they refused to believe "profits are going to be lower in the future" in the financial sector."

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