Monday, October 20, 2008

"we have to break that cycle of debt." We Hope.

Nick Gillespie on Reason isn't feeling the love for Sen. Obama's economic proposals:

"Clinton was a free trader and interested in policy innovation. By contrast, Obama never misses a chance to mention China in a disparaging way and all of his plans seem to revolve around throwing money at any perceived problems. Does anyone think he bring fiscal restraint to the federal budget? Does anyone think he'll approach entitlement reform with any weapon other than increased payroll taxes?"

Here's my comment:

Don the libertarian Democrat | October 20, 2008, 3:03pm | #

"I humbly submit that the idea of spending today and scrimping tomorrow is magical thinking at best."

1)You didn't do it humbly.
2)Thank you for upgrading my thinking to "magical". I was grading myself much more harshly.

I've already explained my vote a number of times.

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