Friday, October 10, 2008

You Say Implicit, I Say Explicit

Justin Fox on Curious Capitalist quoting the FT:

"But they fear that providing formal guarantees only for banks would trigger the implosion of financial firms that compete with them, producing massive disorderly flows of funds across the financial sector. So they hope to rely on implicit guarantees instead."

Great, another implicit guarantee! We know how well the last one of those worked out."

Here's my response:

"If the US is forced to move to more explicit guarantees for all bank deposits and liabilities, experts say it will have to provide roughly equivalent support for the non-bank sector as well. This could involve a full guarantee for money market mutual funds and funding guarantees for non-bank financial firms.

However, officials hope that the combination of strengthened implicit guarantees for banks and commercial paper purchases will suffice."

I have been arguing all along that these implicit guarantees are explicit to anyone who pays attention. Who do they think they're fooling? They might not have to go that far, but they will. What's not explicit?

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