Tuesday, October 7, 2008

McTeer On A Rate Cut

Bob McTeer comes out for a rate cut, which is a change in his thinking:

"However, given the recent worsening in the credit freeze and its spread to Europe, I have changed my mind. The European Central Bank has been in denial, in my opinion, even given its single inflation mandate. ECB easing is overdue and a coordinated rate cut with the Fed, the Bank of England, the Bank of Canada and perhaps others participating would likely have a major impact, albeit primarily psychological.

If the Fed initiates a coordinated rate cut of 50 basis points, it will give the ECB cover to do what it should have done already. It would also give the Fed's cut more bang for the buck. After all, given the way things are going in the markets, what do we have to lose?"

Add McTeer and Gross, and you've got two intelligent people calling for a cut, although they seem to differ on the amount.

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