Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Trust Of The Taxpayer's Money

I post fairly often on Paul Krugman's blog. Here's one I still think applies:

Last night, on The News Hour With Jim Lehrer, I believe I heard an economist of some sort say that the taxpayers of this country don’t deserve to receive a return on investment like Warren Buffet receives, because TARP is meant to save the financial system, not make money.

Call me crazy, but I see it in reverse. When you use taxpayer’s money, it is incumbent on you to receive the best return on investment you can.

Combine this with the news that the TARP recipients don’t have to actually loan the money, thus defeating it’s purpose as a credit stimulus plan, I’d say we more than one train headed downhill.

By the way, if I’m right about the current part of the TARP plan being implemented as a credit stimulus plan, then one can hardly argue that a stimulus plan to aid the general economy can’t work.

— Posted by Don the libertarian Democrat

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree completely. There should be more of an incentive when using taxpayer dollars to make a profit than there is in the private sector, but there's just not, and that's why the private sector is usually more efficient than government.

Sweden claims they made just a slight loss (1%) or according to some economists, broke even with their bank nationalization plan. No one's really even sure to calculate it, which is scary. You also have to factor in inflation, if we get paid a couple of percent more five years down the line, we're still making a loss because inflation will be higher.