Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Brilliant! Crises Lead To Goverment Intervention! Hold The Presses!

Also on Reason, Katherine Mangu-Ward quotes Alan Reynolds:

"The enduring legacy of the Crash of ’87 is that it provided a convenient excuse for a variety of possible increases in government authority, which may yet cause serious economic trouble. The crash has been used to denigrate a prolonged economic expansion during the Reagan years, to support calls for new taxes, and to argue for increased regulation of financial markets."

Brilliant! I've been saying this from the beginning of this crisis.

That's why we need some minimal government regulation. We need to keep these crises from occurring if we want to avoid massive government regulation.

Give me a real world plan!

As for creditors being made solvent by the bailout, why should they? Didn't they make stupid business decisions as well?

At what point do we stop blaming government and hold these businesses responsible? Did someone put a gun to the head of these businessmen?

Also, if these bailouts are such a great deal, why is the government having to get involved?

What's with libertarians justifying poor business decisions?

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