Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Sen. Obama Should Hold A Press Conference

Via Andrew Sullivan, I find this post from John Judis on TNR's "The Plank" to be a good idea:

Memo to Obama

What do I know, but here's what I would do if I were you. I would call a press conference tomorrow to discuss the financial crisis. Do it in New York City. Even better, on Wall Street. Begin with a fifteen minute statement outlining why the crisis has occured and what, generally, the government should do about it. Contrast your approach sharply with that of McCain and the Republicans. Take questions for an hour from reporters. Finally, issue a challenge to McCain to debate the issue by week's end. And offer to allow McCain to bring Sarah Palin and Phil Gramm at his side if he needs them to advise him on the issues.

--John B. Judis"

I especially believe that Sen. Obama needs to tell voters what he intends to do about this crisis. He can't simply blame the GOP for it.

I also believe that if he were to outline his views about the crisis now, he could show voters that he is indeed ready to govern right now.

In other words, Sen. Obama needs to be forthright and specific.


Anonymous said...

You must be joking.

Potential upside - dozens of people who already plan to vote for him will admire him even more. Most will not notice, or at least will not notice how different such a thing would be from regular political campaigning.

Potential downside - if he makes one gaffe - the gaffe will be repeated over and over again and it will be built into a narrative against him.

Donald Pretari said...

I disagree. I think that on this issue, Sen. Obama is on firm ground, and needs to keep Sen.McCain on the defensive. I believe that this issue is already moving the polls. You might be right, but I think that the social issues are a more likely place he would commit any gaffe.