Sunday, September 14, 2008

Is Fact Checking Obsolete? Is Fairness And Decency?

At The Moderate Voice, there's a great post by Joe Gandelman called "Rove: Fact Checking Organizations Can't Be Trusted". Here's part of it:

"And now this is heading towards its most (il)logical conclusion: fact CHECKING has now been blasted by none other than Republican political maven Karl Rove who says you can’t trust the fact checkiing organziations.

PREDICTION: This theme will now be picked up by friendly talk radio show hosts and friendly new media in particular. Because if a fact checking organization lists how a charge or assertion is inaccurate or full of baloney by demonizing and discrediting the organization it allows new license. Not only are the longtime info gate keepers the press under fire as biased partisans with agendas but the fact checkers are said to be sloppy or in league with certain candidates.

SECOND PREDICTION: A fact checking organization will be blasted but then cited to as credible if it defends Mr. Rove’s side. This is the same attitude displayed by partisans who talk about how the methodology of a polling organization is flawed — unless the poll shows their side ahead and then the methodology is just fine."

This is predictable but disgusting.

In order to be interested in facts, you have to be interested in the truth, and in being fair to your opponents. I pray that I adhere to these standards of decency on this blog.

In the near future, I'll mention some opposing blogs that I read and respect, although they take a different line than I do.

Giving up on fact checking is not an option for a real discussion to improve our country

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