Monday, September 22, 2008

Can A Bailout Be Punitive?

Meteor Blades on Kos posts the following:

"Democrats, in general, and Senator Barack Obama, in particular - as the new head of the Democratic Party - should trash this outrageous dictatorial bailout and stop listening to the advice of those who led us into this mess - including some fellow Democrats of prominence. They shouldn't tinker on the edges of the administration's proposal. Their substitute plan should put the pain on the pin-striped grifters where it belongs instead of on those Americans who have been repeatedly victimized by them."

Here's my response:

If It's A Bailout, How Can It Be Punitive? (0+ / 0-)

I'm just asking.

Trying to make the libertarian Democrat a reality

by Don the swing voter on Mon Sep 22, 2008 at 11:23:13 AM PDT"

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