Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Libertarian Democrats, Let's Go!

Here's my comment from Startin's post:

"I have started a blog about being a libertarian Democrat, called The Libertarian Democrat Point Of View. Oddly, I got two positive responses from libertarians, David Boaz and Jesse Young, but nothing from Democrats. I agree with everything you say, the Democratic party is the best choice we have now as libertarians, and our mission is to make our case to Democrats in a way that guarantees that their core values are compatible with ours. I started the blog because this idea was posited by Kos in 2006, but seemed to go nowhere. The libertarian Democrat needs to set forth a clear set of ideas that appeals to Democrats and will bring more people into the party. We can also appeal to moderates, many of which share our core ideals. For me, the way to reduce government is to provide a real and meaningful social net for the needy, and growing our economy in such a way that fewer and fewer people are needy. This takes government intervention in the short run, but a growing economy that can raise the living standards of people at the bottom is the only way to go. The current Republican party doesn't get this at all, as David Frum recently pointed out. On social issues, we already have a lot of agreement. Let's get going!"

Startin himself made some very cogent replies to various liberal questions, so everyone should read through the comments.

The only way to answer critics from within the party and without is to try and develop a relatively consistent set of principles and ideas, and defend them cogently over time.


Eric Dondero said...

Hey "libertarian Democrats." I've noticed Dems in general have become more Nanny-State these past few years. The Party that used to support legalizing Pot, now is fiercely Pro-Drug War. But they've even expanded into support smoking bans on tobacco EVERYWHERE including bars, bingo parlors and bowling alleys.

But that's not all. Democrats today push seat belt laws in all 50 states, with increased fines and even imprisonment for libertarians who buck the mandatory seat belt laws.

And they now want to reduce the speed limit to 55 mph.

Will the so-called "libertarian Democrats" join with us real Libertarians in opposing Democrat attempts to impose Nanny-State regulations on every aspect of our lives?

Or, is "libertarian Democrat" more of a two-month long election season trick by some leftwing Bloggers, to mullify the libertarian swing vote, and keep libertarians from voting for McCain/Palin, similar to what Daily Kos and Markos Moulitas pulled late in 2006 with the "libertarians should vote Democrat" meme?

My guess is that we won't see this blog around, or any similar attempts to pull the wool over the eyes of libertarians starting Nov. 5.

Donald Pretari said...

Eric, You missed the press release. The whole point of this blog is to develop the agenda of the libertarian Democrat in order to influence policy in the party. It will stand or fall on the ideas presented, as well as developed by other libertarian Democrats. I'm here for the long run. Whether anyone will read this blog or not, I don't know.

W. Lane Startin said...

I always find blanket statements applied to a party of cat herders most amusing. Sure, some Democrats are like that, but many others aren't.

There's plenty of growth potential for libertarian Democrats, particularly in the Intermountain West. The fact two of the individuals most often mentioned as libertarian Democrats, Brian Schweitzer and Jon Tester, are both from Montana is no accident.

As for me, I'm keeping an eye on my options for '10 here on the west side of the Bitterroot Range.

Thanks for thinking of me, Don.

Donald Pretari said...

Thanks for the comments faustus37. I've put your web page on my blog. I'll keep following you, and help any way I can. I hope Kos continues to feature your posts.