Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Read W. Lane Startin On The Daily Kos

W. Lane Startin has a great post on the Daily Kos. Please read the entire post, but here's the conclusion:

"What's more, the Democratic Party is the best home left for us. People make the party, not the other way around. While it's certainly possible for the Republicans to re-claim their libertarian element, it becomes less and less likely every year as they continue to march to the beat of big-government statism. I'm well aware not all Democrats appreciate us either. After all, we strongly tend to be pro-gun, anti-tax and distrustful of government welfare. But we're also largely pro-choice, pro-LBGT, strong supporters of civil liberties and very much against the Religious Right agenda. We just have to accept our differences and work on our strengths. In politics we rarely get everything we want; we almost always have to compromise somewhere.

Personally I support Barack Obama not because I agree with everything he says, but because I believe he's the clearly superior candidate on issues that matter most to me. I strongly supported Bill Richardson's presidential campaign. I was seriously bummed when he dropped out, and disappointed again when Obama didn't pick him as his running mate. Even so, especially when I consider the alternatives out there, I will gladly vote for Obama in November.

There are a lot of people out there who share similar views to this, but inherently don't trust any of the parties out there. Indeed, there's more than ample reason for them not to. However we as Democrats are in the best position to reach out to them. There may not be a libertarian Democrat faction of note yet, but dammit, there should be."


I myself posted a comment in support of his post. I am also going to subscribe to his posts. Hopefully Kos will continue featuring him.

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