Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Reply To Jesse Walker On Being A Libertarian Democrat

Before dealing with current issues, I want to address an article David Boaz recommended. It's called "How To Be A Half-Decent Democrat" by Jesse Walker. It's a terrific piece, and it was written in direct response to the article by Moulitsas. However, it does not really address the issue of being a libertarian Democrat. The piece suggests that the Democratic party follow through on various libertarian friendly themes, such as being against the Patriot Act, etc.

I take the point, but that is the basic idea of being a libertarian Democrat. In other words, the libertarian Democrat is a Democrat who would like to see more libertarian friendly ideas advanced in the Democratic party. The agenda Walker sets out does include many ideas that we would do well to incorporate into the Democratic policy discussion. The lack of success in being a half-decent Democrat is what the libertarian Democrat is devoted to changing.

So, again, there will be fundamental disagreements between libertarians and libertarian Democrats, as well the divide between people who support a political party and those who don't and those who support another party. Nevertheless, it would be a good idea for libertarians to encourage the libertarian Democrat agenda, which is in a party that might actually be able to put some of these ideas into action.

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