Monday, September 1, 2008

Why Would Libertarians Engage Libertarian Democrats?

Libertarian Democrats are not libertarians. One issue that divides us is having a social net of services for the poor in our country provided by the government. This would include health care, retirement, and some kind of guaranteed wage or benefits. This means that libertarian Democrats support a kind of national health care, social security, and welfare for the truly needy or incapacitated.

Another disagreement would concern the notion of positive liberty, an idea most libertarians reject.

What will bind the two groups with be a large number of issues where there is basic agreement, and a commitment to liberty as a core principle to be considered in every issue dealt with. Hence, libertarian Democrats will engage in a continuing debate and discussion with organizations like Cato, Reason, and Liberty magazine.

Of course, libertarian Democrats are Democrats, and will often compromise in order to further the general interests of the party.

It seems to me that this is enough to justify a trial attempt at piecing together a more or less unified and separate category called the libertarian Democrat. It can help influence the Democratic party on real issues important to libertarians, and help Democrats gain allies where there before had been avoidance or indifference.

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